2009年4月29日 星期三

[玩遊戲學英文] Restaurant City Quiz of Facebook-1

最近迷上了facebook裡頭好多game... 現在比較常顧的 就是這Restaurant City....

為了要答對每日一問有關食物的問題 我打算來翻成中文...順便背單字...

參考網站: http://www.fundistraction.com/2009/04/facebook-restaurant-city-food-quiz.html


Q: Agar(洋菜..作果凍的那個) is a gelatinous(膠狀的) substance(物質) "derived from"(起源於) what?
A: Seaweed(海藻)

Q: Bechamel sauce(貝希墨爾醬) is also known as...
A: White Sauce (白醬義大利麵有用到的"白醬", 為法王路易十四禦廚 Bechamel 所發明)

Q: To blanch(使蔬菜漂白, 類似川燙) a vegetable, means to?
A: Boil(將液體煮沸) and Cool off quickly(很快速的將蔬菜放到煮沸的水裡並且將其冷卻下來)

Q: Calamari(類似我們在fridays吃到的炸花枝圈) is fried?
A: Squid(烏賊)

Q: What is a Calzone(乳酪卷餅)?
A: A turnover(翻折的, 折卷的) made of pizza dough(麵團)

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find Calzone?
A: Italian(義大利是歐洲的美食天堂壓, 猜義大利就對了)

Q: Caviar(魚子醬) is made from?
A: Fish Egg(魚的蛋..這好像不用翻吧)

Q: What kind of pizza is chicago style?
A: Deep dish(芝加哥的pizza特產:deep dish pizza 應該是很厚的pizza吧, 網路上找到的 http://crazycat1130.pixnet.net/album/photo/107655261)

Q: Chilli(美洲紅番椒) is a?
A: Fruit (蝦咪 辣椒是水果..#$##%)

Q: Which of these chillies is the spiciest? (最辣的辣椒是?)
A: Naga jolokia pepper (印度鬼椒, 一個naga族 在jolokia島上的香料)

Q: What is chinese gooseberry(醋栗, 鹅莓) called in ancient time?
A: Kiwi (奇異果,獼猴桃,中國原產,現栽種于紐西蘭的一種水果)

Q: What is chocolate bloom(巧克力果實)?
A: Cocoa fat(可可脂肪) or sugar

Q: The chuck(牛的頸部與肩胛部之間的肉) is found where on the cow?
A: Front

Q: Which continent produces the most cocoa? (生產最多可可的是哪個洲)
A: Africa(非洲..因為那邊的人膚色比較像cocoa)

Q: What is coconut(椰子)?
A: Fruit

Q: A crepe(薄烤餅) is typical a ...?
A: Thinly cooked pancake (用平底鍋煎成薄而扁的) 薄煎餅

Q: Dim sum(點心, 廣東語譯音) originated from which country?
A: China(中國人吃點心, 歐洲人是teatime, 全世界人都愛吃非正餐的東西)

Q: Dulce de leche(一種南非特產, 其實就是香甜的牛奶糖) is prepared by heating...?
A: Sweetened Milk

Q: Which sauce used in Egg Benedicts(這我不知道怎麼翻, 但有人有介紹 好想吃喔http://blog.udn.com/claracasa/562041)?
A: Hollandaise sauce(蛋黃奶油酸辣醬)

Q: Where did Feta Cheese(羊奶乾酪, 這世界真多好吃的食物) come from?
A: Greece(希臘)

Q: The flank(腰窩部分割下來的肉) is found where on the cow?
A: Mid(牛的中間,..都說腰了 別懷疑了)

Q: Foie gras(鵝肝) is food made from which part of an animal?
A: Liver(肝)

Q: In England, French Fries(炸薯條) are called?
A: Chips(油煎馬鈴薯片)

Q: To garnish(食物上之裝飾) a food means?
A: Add final touches(最後的妝點)

Q: Granny smith apples are? (青蘋果)
A: Green

Q: Grapes(葡萄) grow on?
A: Vines(攀緣 [攀繞] 植物)

Q: The main ingredient(食材) in Guacamole(是墨西哥以酪梨為基調, 添加番茄和鹽, 利用類似研缽的器具研磨而成的調味料/沾醬, from http://www.wretch.cc/blog/TruffleRose/10393509) is?
A: Avocado (酪梨)

Q: Where is the hamburger originaly from? (這題不用翻譯了吧..看到漢堡選美國就是了)
A: United states

Q: What is Hashi(日文的筷子)?
A: Chopsticks(筷子..記得要加s, 因為有兩隻,跟剪刀一樣)

Q: Honey comes from? (蜂蜜來自於蜜蜂.這也是常識吧)
A: Bees

Q: What is the main ingredient in Hummus( 鷹嘴豆泥沾醬(hummus)from http://blog.xuite.net/denza/life/9718622)?
A: Chickpeas(植物: 雞豆, 鷹嘴豆)

Q: Kimchi(韓國: 辣泡菜) is a Korean dish made of fermented(發酵的)?
A: Vegetables(蔬菜)

Q: What is Ketchup(番茄醬) made of?
A: Tomatoes(<-- br="">
Q: Lard(豬油) is the fat obtained from which animal?
A: Pig(豬油當然從豬身上抽取出來, 就像是羊毛出在羊身上嘛)

Q: Naan Bread(印度烙餅, 目前各大夜市好像都有, 按我看介紹) is served with... ?
A: Indian Food(印度料理)

Q: Natto(納豆:不是電視上那個, 是在蒸煮過的黃豆中加進Natto菌,經過發酵後的日本傳統食品,按我看介紹) a traditional Japanese food, is made from fermented(這是發酵, 前面有提到)?
A: Soybeans(中國人常用的黃豆..好像也是肝病的來源)

Q: New-York Style Pizzas(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York-style_pizza) are generally?
A: Thin crust(薄的餡餅皮做的pizza, 芝加哥比較喜歡吃料多粗飽的那種)

Q: The pizza originates from which country?
A: Italy(義大利是歐洲裡頭食物最好吃的國家,據好友阿榮去那邊流浪一個多月的經驗)

Q: To poach(水煮, 類似我們煮水煮蛋的煮法) something means?
A: To cook in boiling(滾燙的,煮沸的) water (不過我忘記是從冷水加蛋煮到沸水, 還是滾了把蛋丟下)

Q: To Proof dough(如何發酵生面團) means to...
A: Allow it to rise(膨脹,發起來)

Q: Prunes(乾梅子) are dried...?
A: Plums(梅子), 好繞口...根本在考單字..乾梅子是乾的梅子...繞口令喔

Q: Raisins(葡萄乾, 連這都有單字) are dried..?
A: Grapes(葡萄)

Q: Ratatouille is? (普羅旺斯燉菜 FROM http://blog.udn.com/claracasa/1265452)
A: A vegetarian dish

Q: The main ingredient of Ratatouille is?
A: Tomatoes (承上題, 普羅旺斯燉菜的主要食材是蕃茄, 點進去上述網頁.可以看紅紅的.那就是蕃茄啦)

Q: To refresh vegetables is....? 要讓食物新鮮
A: To immerse(將…浸入 [泡進] ) in COLD water 放到冷水中, 作沙拉和涼拌的就是這樣子作

Q: What is the color of Rhubarb(大黃, 很怪的名字.右邊的網址有講解 http://taiya.pixnet.net/blog/post/5053680)?
A: Red (點進去網頁後 有圖片 他是紅色的沒錯..但名字幹麼叫大黃)

Q: The rump(牛的臀肉) is found where on the cow?
A: Back

Q: What is Saffron(番紅花, 右邊網址有圖解 http://blog.roodo.com/spoon/archives/900069.html)?
A: Spice(然後是辣的)

Q: Sauerkraut(酸甘藍菜, 泡菜-德國泡菜.就是吃德國豬腳 旁邊那個黃色一絲一絲的配菜啦) is made from?
A: Fermented Cabbage(甘藍菜,包心菜)

Q: To saute(炒菜,煎肉) a dish, mean to?
A: Fry quickly in hot pan

Q: The sirloin(牛腰肉上部 ,沙朗牛排) is found where on the cow?
A: Mid

Q: What is the most expensive spice in the world?
A: Saffron(番紅花)

Q: Which of the following spices is the most expensive??
A: Pure Vanilla(純香草..這東西會辣喔, 按我看介紹

Q: Steak tartare(拌有洋蔥、雞蛋等供生吃的)韃靼牛排, 生牛肉, 網頁介紹請按我) is a meat dish made from raw?
A: Beef

Q: What is Stracchino(利古里亞經典起司(義大利語:Stracchino)是義大利一種用乳牛奶製作的起司, 網頁介紹請按我)?
A: a fresh cheese from Italy

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find sushi(壽司)?
A: Japanese(日本店囉)

Q: Where does taco(墨西哥煎玉米粉捲, 網頁介紹請按我) orignate from?
A: Mexico

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find tacos(墨西哥煎玉米粉捲, 同上題)?
A: Mexican

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find Tapas(西班牙的小菜點心, 網頁介紹請按我)?
A: Spanish

Q: Tofu(豆腐) is made of .... ?
A: Soybean(黃豆)

Q: A tomato is a?
A: Fruit(蕃茄是水果 不是蔬菜 別選錯囉)

Q: What color is Tuna(鮪魚) meat?
A: Pink (賣生魚片的店裡頭就會看得到啦, 鮪魚是粉紅色的..那黑鮪魚呢???.....)

Q: Where is Tuna from?
A: Salt Water(鮪魚是從海水來的 不是淡水魚 fresh water)

Q: The main ingredients in Tzatziki(酸奶黃瓜.希臘風味的開胃沾醬. 右邊的網頁裡頭有個白白的沾醬就是了介紹網頁請按我) are?
A: Yoghurt(酸奶; 酸乳酪) and Cucumber(俗稱黃瓜)

Q: Venison(鹿肉) is the meat from what animal?
A: Deer(鹿)

Q: What is the main ingredient of wasabi(芥末)?
A: Horseradish(山葵, 奮起湖老街有在賣..那邊好像盛產山葵)

哇 我終於查完囉...發現好多異國料理...以後要帶著老婆都給他吃過一番...

